It's Time To Change .

Quit Smoking

There are many ways to give up and quit smoking but hypnotherapy has the second-highest chance of you quitting with a 30% success rate. The only thing with a higher success rate of giving up smoking is a certain medical diagnosis off the doctor.

No ethical hypnotherapist will ever give you their success rate for their clients. To give a success rate you would have to prove that the client has never smoked again and it would have to be verified independently.

Since we don’t check up on our client’s success for years into the future, we can’t give an honest success rate and there would be no way of proving this number was not just made up. All the data we have is whatever feedback we are offered off our clients.

Different people have different reasons for smoking or not having given up yet and each person needs a different approach to help them quit.

If for example you only smoke when you are anxious or stressed then it would be necessary to work on the stress first before helping you quit or the root cause will still be there and you could eventually start up again at a time of high stress. This would require more than 1 session.

This is why it is beneficial to have a personalized diagnosis and treatment plan which will be discussed and agreed upon at the free no-obligation consultation. This way you will know how many sessions should be required and what techniques may be used.

If you really want to quit then hypnotherapy may be able to help you. If you don’t want to quit, let’s say for example your partner has told you, that you have to give up but you don’t really want too. Then there would be no point in attempting it as your subconscious mind would sabotage your attempt and a hypnotherapist can not force you to do anything you don’t want to do.

No ethical hypnotherapist would take your money and work with someone who doesn’t want to change.

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If you have any questions for Rory McFarling at It’s Time To Change Hypnotherapy please call on 07506 274445, email at or  send a message online or via Facebook Messenger.

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